Wave Filters Pack - Substance Designer
MT_Wave Filters_Pack.zip containing:
- Plateaus.sbsar
- Sawtooth.sbsar
- Sine_Wave.sbsar
- Wave_Filters.sbsar
These filters all take a grayscale input and adjust it's values based on a wave count parameter. The wave phase can be offset, and the sawtooth and plateau nodes have adjustable peak/slope parameters. You can even drive the sawtooth peak and plateau slope parameters per pixel with a custom mask input. Plateaus also outputs some very useful masks to aid in material creation (see my ArtStation post: Plateaus - 100% Substance Designer). I've put together some documentation that outlines how the nodes work and what each parameter does here.
Free for any use. Enjoy!
I'd love to know what you think. A shoutout would be great too if you use them in your material studies.
Plateaus requires Substance Engine v6, all other nodes in this pack are compatible with Substance Engine v5 and above.
Website - https://matt-taylor.artstation.com
ArtStation - https://www.artstation.com/matt-taylor